
Amateur Blogger turning pro?

 When I found out this blog was going to a prominent part of my semester, I have to say my excitement level was pretty low. I had never blogged or thought about blogging about my own writing too much, but now that I have, I'm glad I did. It allowed me to express my thoughts and opinions in a free flowing space, that at times can be hard to verbalize. It allowed me a path to be myself and write without fear, which is something that we shouldn't take for granted. "professional" blogging is probably not the correct word to describe whatever it is that I did this semester. I know there are parameters or guidelines that we were supposed to follow, and I like to color outside the lines a little bit, but this blog has been a really good representation of who I am? Sure, I'm a little bit stubborn and like to do things my own way, but I am honest and passionate about this teaching shit, and always want that to come across. The idea of being a "genuine" person is ...

Early Life as a Writing Coach

 Figuring out how to be a writing coach has been an interesting experience. Unexpectedly, one that hasn't seemed to foreign. Sure, all the writing I had received has not been amazing, but shit, whose was at 15? Going into feedback has always been about building confidence while making incremental improvements. My opinion and help as a writing coach only go so far, when it comes to a persons own writing, they are always going to feel some type of way, and be a little protective over it, which I think they should be. at the end of the day you gotta turn it in, and live with what's on the page. The main thing that always goes on in my head, is "what would I want to read about my writing" or "how would this feel to read?" The truth of the matter is that I get pretty stubborn and hard headed if I feel like your comments come at me sideways, so being clear and specific is something I am always going to strive for. Letting the kids know that what they are saying ma...

Multimodal Storytelling

 This week was the first time I had ever heard the word Zine. You could've asked me what that was, and I would've sworn that it was just a made up word. I'm not sure if that means I am out of touch or just ignorant to the world out there. My main relationship to multimodal composition, would I guess be podcasts? Growing up there was not a huge reliance on the internet, twitter didn't really start up until I was a freshman in high school, Myspace was poppin, but I was always a bit young for that, and Facebook was something I had, but was not on all the time. There were different blogs or bloggers that I found a connection with, and then before long the podcast boom erupted and everybody had one, or maybe more! There are fictional, story based pods, news, sports, pop culture, there is one for every niche or genre one can think of, which is cool, and lets all types of perspectives get a chance to shine (for better and for worse). One of the multimodal composition forms tha...

Writers Block on a Hundred

 My writing process is probably what I would at best call unconventional. I had always struggled with the idea of just being able to sit down and write. At the risk of me sounding as cliché as it sounds when I say it out loud, I really need to feel inspired. I refuse to choose a topic that doesn't make me feel something. Sometimes the topics are too broad, or too heavy in subject matter, to the point where I feel anxious, but I need that. Picking topics is just a brutal process. I literally get so cool with my teachers, because I need to talk out all my big brain ideas and have them pester me with questions. I need to feel like what I am writing about matters, like what I have to say is part of the change I talk about. I cannot just talk the talk, I need to be ABOUT it. So after I go through my own exhausting hellscape of a mind, I get to brainstorming on how to actually get the thing on paper and make sense. I have internal conversations with myself about how could I start that wi...

My Life as a Writer

 My life as a writer is a long and winding road up to this point. I LOVED to write as a kid. I started when I was about 8 or 9, and would write like sports articles that I didn't think anybody else would read. Shocker, people found them and read them. But I just loved to write my thoughts and feelings about what I was watching, it was a serotonin boost, before I knew what that was. As life went on I lost it a little bit, my guard went up and I lost the motivation to write, I felt as if what I had to say didn't really matter in the grand scheme of things. I was just another young white voice, and there are plenty of them in surplus, so I wasn't sure I had anything else to add.  I graduated high school and was lost. Wandering aimlessly without any real plan or idea of what I wanted to do. I was enrolled in college, but felt like I shouldn't have been. I left, and didn't look back for years. I was working, as a dance teacher, construction, warehouse, and somehow found ...

Super Offline While Being Incredibly Online

 I graduated high school in 2014. This means, besides feeling much older than I actually am when surrounded by many people in my program, there is an additional bit of distance that I created with myself and the world that they have experienced. Facebook was the only beast of a social media site when I was in high school, twitter started but felt like a very niche kind of thing, me and my friends were all on there and it really felt if it was just something we all shared together. Fast forward a couple years and it absolutely exploded. So while my twitter presence is still active (I cannot help but spending hours scrolling through each and every day), I have a very distant relationship with social media. I have a tik tok, but do not post, I have an Instagram but rarely post there either (couple times a year at most). It makes me feel as if I am a wanderer in somebody else's world, it feels that these apps are not necessarily mine to claim, but I am just floating around the margins....

Welcome to the Thunderdome

 Blog Posts incoming