Writers Block on a Hundred

 My writing process is probably what I would at best call unconventional. I had always struggled with the idea of just being able to sit down and write. At the risk of me sounding as cliché as it sounds when I say it out loud, I really need to feel inspired. I refuse to choose a topic that doesn't make me feel something. Sometimes the topics are too broad, or too heavy in subject matter, to the point where I feel anxious, but I need that. Picking topics is just a brutal process. I literally get so cool with my teachers, because I need to talk out all my big brain ideas and have them pester me with questions. I need to feel like what I am writing about matters, like what I have to say is part of the change I talk about. I cannot just talk the talk, I need to be ABOUT it. So after I go through my own exhausting hellscape of a mind, I get to brainstorming on how to actually get the thing on paper and make sense. I have internal conversations with myself about how could I start that will be engaging. Not engaging to the people reading it, but for myself. I want to be able to say "damnnnn Terrence that shit is TIGHT" and then I can get the ideas flowing from there. More often than not, they will come to me as I am about to fall asleep, or as I am sleeping, and then I write them down. I should also say I know how corrupt and insane this all sounds, and would never advocate for anybody to follow my lead, but it is just works for me. There is an added layer of pressure that I thrive under, due dates, I love em. I know when it needs to be done, and they will always get done on time, but I don't see them ever getting turned in early. Outlines are my best friend, this is something I will always advocate for, they keep me on the path I need to stay on. Hard copies of my sources, an absolute necessity. Internally I am forty, and need to have the paper and highlighter in my hands. It sinks into my brain, and feels more necessary and harder for me to lose. I love to write papers. Has always been the most creative and exciting way for me to learn and look forward to helping others maybe create a little more conventional process and let the creativity flow. Just let it rip! Big ideas are not something to shy away from. Always gotta write from what inspires you not what you think somebody else wants to read.


  1. Terrence I definitely relate to much of your pre-writing process. I focused mostly on the revising process in my blog, but the truth is that the thoughts that I put into my (educational) writings are substantial. On a research paper I will often, after finding and investigating sources, spend days putting together sentences and paragraphs in my mind that get reworked a hundred times before they make it to the page. Then they generally get completely changed immediately after being written down. Writing processes are crazy man...

  2. Hey Terrence! I find it interesting that you wrote, "Outlines are my best friend, this is something I will always advocate for, they keep me on the path I need to stay on." as I feel that this is a sentiment that I don't align with. Overall, I don't mind outline, and I think that I will definitely incorporate them within my classrooms, but I find outlines to be rather procedural and uninspiring. Although I have typically found myself to be "anti-outline," per se, I think there is room for me to potentially find a new found admiration for outlines, and, as I said earlier, I find your admiration for them to be interesting.


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